What are biofuels? Which ones can you use in your vehicle?

The ability to meet energy needs is the foundation of prosperity around the globe. This is evident in the history of many civilizations that have failed due to energy depletion. The discovery of fossil fuels accelerated industrial development, advanced technology and infrastructure and raised the standard of living around the globe. We realized it would eventually run out of oil only a few years later. Oil has been the subject of many wars. It is essential for growth and energy supply in all regions.

Biofuels are a possible solution. Biofuels are a source of renewable energy that has the potential to revolutionize how we think about fuel. Let’s have a closer look at it and how it could benefit our main area of consumption, fuel for vehicles.

What is Biofuels?

Fuel is basically an energy carrier. They store energy as chemical forms. After combustion converts the energy to heat energy, which is the most basic form of energy, it’s released and used normally. It can be used to heat, generate power, or run machinery.

Biofuels are different from fossil fuels because they are derived from organic materials like animal and plant wastes. Fossil fuels, on the other hand, are energy reserves that result from natural geothermal processes in the Earth’s crust. It takes millions of years for them to produce useful fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. Biofuels are also more carbon neutral than fossil fuels. This means that the carbon they release during their consumption is lower than or equal to what was captured during their growth stages.


Biofuels are not a new concept. It was actually the main source of energy prior to the discovery of fossil fuels. Wood was used as a fuel long before the advent of coal. It was not usually grown to be used as fuel. There are still remnants of primary biofuel use in the lumber industry.

Primary biofuels are those that have not been processed. Wood can be easily harvested and used to produce energy. Wood is a renewable resource, but it cannot be harvested as a cash crop at the same rate that energy demand are rising. We are forced to experience large-scale deforestation which is a carbon-positive event. Wood cannot also be used in vehicles. We need to address this increasing demand by looking at secondary biofuels.


Secondary biofuels are the future. These are the derivatives of plant-based materials that produce refined fuels. Secondary biofuels are able to produce fuel mixtures that can be easily integrated into our transportation industry’s infrastructure.

Next-generation biofuels are being developed and will make it easier to produce and deliver fuels more sustainably. These biofuels have been in use for some time and are now being used in vehicles.


Bioethanol is the most widely used biofuel. The United States and Brazil are the two major centers that produce Bioethanol. However, the process is almost identical.

It’s basically brewing sugar by fermentation. This is a biochemical process which alters the chemical characteristics of sugars in the presence yeast to produce ethanol. It is similar to brewing alcohol for use. It is usually denatured with other compounds like methanol which renders it unfit to drink.

Brazil is the world’s leader in bioethanol production, thanks to its large sugarcane crop. Brazil has required that all vehicles sold in Brazil be FlexFuel vehicles since 2003. These vehicles are powered by a mixture of 85% gasoline (also known as E85 fuel) and 15% ethanol. Soon, automobile manufacturers around the globe began producing models that met this standard.

The US uses corn sugar mainly as a raw material to produce ethanol for fuel. However, it is still being debated whether this process is energy-negative. It means that bioethanol is more energy-intensive than the fuel it produces. So why is this happening? It is likely that government subsidies are responsible for protecting farmers and the millions of people who work in the industry. The carbon-negative process also allows us to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, and helps us move towards a more sustainable future.

You will need to check the vehicle identification number (VIN) to determine if your vehicle can burn E85 fuels. This information is provided by the eight characters of the VIN (17 digits). This number is usually located at the engine block’s front, under the hood or in the rear wheel well, or inside the doorpost or jamb of the driver side. A sticker is also included in some vehicles’ fuel door covers to indicate the vehicle’s FlexFuel capability.

Cellulosic alcohol

The problem with using agricultural feedstock as fuel is that it doesn’t account for land use and the associated food costs. As fuel demand increases, arable land that was intended for food crops will be converted into farmlands to produce fuel. Cellulosicethanol is a solution to this problem. Cellulosic ethanol is a second-generation biofuel. It produces ethanol using the same process, but with agricultural waste such as bagasse, wood and inedible plant components.

Cellulosicethanol is a low-carbon fuel that has a positive impact on the human food chain. Most agricultural waste ends up in landfills, or is dried and used as a primary fuel. It can be converted into ethanol and used for a wider range of purposes.


Diesel is the primary fuel for a large portion of the transport industry, especially logistical service vehicles such as freight trains and lorries. Diesel is, however, one of the most polluting fuels, with a higher concentration of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen.

Biodiesel can be used to replace diesel-based petroleum products. The oils from plants are used to make the first-generation of biodiesel. Biodiesel can also be made from vegetable oil leftovers from fast-food industries. It can be blended with ethanol (usually 20%), but it can also be used as a pure product.

Transesterification is the chemical process that transforms oils into biodiesel. Transesterification involves the reaction of oils with alcohol under the control of a catalyst. It is possible to obtain pure biodiesel and glycerin, which can be used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

The second-generation biodiesel will be able to cultivate microorganisms such as algae that have high oil reserves relative weight. Algae can also be photosynthesizing organisms. This helps offset carbon in the environment and gives them the potential to make biodiesel at a large scale.


Biogas is the most infrequently used fuel for transport, but it can have the greatest impact on climate change if it is. Biogas is a byproduct of natural degradation. Methane is produced in large quantities by landfills and animal waste. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 40 times more powerful than carbon dioxide at warming the Earth. It escapes into the atmosphere.

It is possible to capture the biogas and use it to fuel combustion, which would reduce its impact. Biogas-powered buses are being tested in Europe using biogas from digesters located near cattle farms.

You can collect it by allowing natural bacteria to help in its degrading in an anaerobic environment. It is slow and requires a large investment to scale up. This is why it has not gained widespread popularity. It will also require significant infrastructure changes, not only at fuel stations but within the cars. You must also adhere to safety regulations when using a pressurized car cylinder.